Health and Beauty

How to Stay on Track with Your Skincare Routine

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Knowing what to do is only half of the battle; actually developing a good skincare routine that you can stick to can be more difficult to achieve. Here’s how to incorporate it into a daily routine that you will look forward to:

1. Do it while you’re in the shower.

If you’ve struggled to maintain a consistent skincare regimen, keep your cleanser and exfoliator in the shower with you. You will have a few extra minutes, so you can rub it on and leave it on your face while you finish washing the rest of your body and then wash it away with warm water.

2. Ability to multitask

Make use of your favorite podcast while you cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize. Allow any serums or toners to fully absorb into your skin (about 30-60 seconds) before moving on to the next step to ensure maximum efficacy of your skincare routine. The 15 minutes will go by in a flash. Once a week, put on a facemask and watch Netflix in bed while you get some rest.

3. Put your products on display.

To avoid cluttering up your medicine cabinet or drawer with products you don’t use every day, keep the ones you do use every day (not necessarily your entire skincare arsenal) neatly displayed on your bathroom counter or a cute mirrored shelf. because if something is out of sight, it is almost certain to be out of mind.

4. Make a personal note to yourself.

Whatever else fails, a post-it on the mirror is always a good reminder with a message of support for your self-care efforts to keep you motivated.


  • Nancy Harrison is a dynamic author whose blog gracefully combines the worlds of fashion, beauty, travel, entertainment, and lifestyle. Her warm storytelling and engaging content provide readers with a holistic online journey, inspiring them to explore a rich tapestry of interests.

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